Soft Toy making is another of my hobby ventures and I thoroughly enjoy doing it. It is in fact wonderful to see how these soft cuddly creatures(!) turn lively in front of your eyes as you stitch and stuff .
I made many different size toys, handbags, purse, car hanging toys..etc. Rummaged through my old photo cds. Sad that I could nt find any of the snaps now. Let me try to get a few, the next time I visit my hometown.
Would nt disappoint you though. I only got these snaps to show you..My son with the collection of toys I made. The big teddy bear weighs around 2.5 kgs and I made it when I was pregnant 8 months. Dont ask me how they look now anyways, with all the tattering and battering they undergo.(!)

Managed to get a few snaps.
This is my first soft toy, made 12 years back and it still beautifully sits in the showcase of my dad's house :)
This is a big teddy bear weighs about 3 kgs and I made this for my baby,while I was 8 months pregnant.
Colors are not enough... Lots of dark colors missing... I know blogging has its own limittations... Anyway Good Job...
ReplyDeleteAwesome Priya-- FUnny thing is I landed here from google search!!!